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Contact Lissa Critz today to find out more about all the extra "white glove" services you can expect when you book with My Magic Journeys!

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My Magic Journeys is dedicated to helping our clients make the most of their time and money on Disney vacations.  We understand that the prospect of planning that "perfect Disney experience" can be daunting, to say the least.  So many choices!  So many expectations!  By specializing in Disney Destinations we are able to ensure that no detail will be overlooked and no magical opportunity will be missed! 

Melissa "Lissa" Critz has been helping Disney travelers make the most of their magical journeys for many years and is thrilled to have finally made the decision to continue doing so full time as a professional travel agent associated with Destinations to Explore, Inc.  Lissa has been a Disney guest and enthusiast since her first trip as a baby, up through her experience as a honeymooner at Walt Disney World® Resort and now as the mother of a preschooler with severe food allergies.

Lissa is uniquely qualified to help with guests with special dietary needs and has worked with the Disney Special Diets team extensively in the past.  As the founder and author of Raising Food Allergic Kids Blog and website resource (www.rfak.org) for parents of children with food allergies, Lissa is passionate about helping parents realize their dreams of providing a safe and magical childhood experience for their own food allergic children.  Disney is recognized as being an industry leader in safety for special needs guests and we will work with you so that you feel completely comfortable with your vacation.

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